
Robin Jayaswal

School: Dartmouth College
Major: Computer Science
Minor: Mathematics
Recommended Book: "Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future" - Ashlee Vance
Post-Grad Job: CollegePulse Start-Up in Palo Alto, California

At Lincoln, Robin was most impacted by math teacher Ricardo Alonso. Robin credits him with providing a strong foundation in math that allowed him to be successful in computer science and math in his future endeavors. He was always excited to go to math class with Mr. Alonso because of his great teaching and good nature. Looking back, Robin believes that the enthusiasm Mr. Alonso instilled continues to have a major positive impact on him.

Robin's favorite extracurricular activity at Lincoln was participating in the Constitution Team. Being a part of the team greatly improved his speaking skills and reasoning abilities. His confidence in both of those areas grew during Constitution Team and is still with him. In addition, the experience as a whole was one of the most intense and rewarding experiences in his life.

During his time at Dartmouth, Robin received early induction into Phi Beta Kappa. This is a distinction reserved for the top two percent of each class academically. Robin considers this his greatest accomplishment in life so far. He also points out that being able to continue his academic performance at Dartmouth speaks to Lincoln’s ability to prepare students for the next level of education.

As an undergraduate student, Robin started a side project that began to take off during his senior year. In September of 2017, he had signed a full time offer with a technology company in New York, but later decided to focus on his own project after he finished college. His startup, College Pulse, provides a more effective approach to collecting public opinion data within communities. The startup has been funded by YCombinator, the Silicon Valley accelerator program that has produced successful companies such as AirBnB and DropBox. College Pulse currently consists of the two founders and several employees, and is based out of Palo Alto, California. Keep up the good work Robin!