
Michael Ioffe

Undergraduate: Babson College
Major: Finance
Minor: Architecture
Recommended Book: "Excellent Sheep" – William Deresiewicz
Summer 2018 Plans: TILE.org and Energy.org, two of his own non-profits

Michael Ioffe is a rising sophomore at Babson College. He is currently majoring in Finance and minoring in Architecture.

At Lincoln, Michael was positively impacted by multiple members of the faculty. Mrs. Chapman, Mr. Bailey, Mr. Hamilton, and Mr. Hooper, all took the time out of their busy schedules to talk with him, enlighten him, and generally make Michael a better human being. As a result of their support and guidance, Michael has gained clarity about what he wants to do in life and what he is living for very early. He says that Lincoln’s faculty taught him to feel strongly about the problems he saw and faced and to take action in a meaningful way, while simultaneously teaching him to take time and really appreciate the minutiae of life.

Michael’s favorite extracurricular activity at Lincoln was his participation in the passing of the May 2017 Construction Bond. He spent a large part of his high school career working on the Bond. He says it was a collaborative effort between Portland Public Schools, the Lincoln community, and Goose Hollow residents. His work gave him insight into how the buildings we inhabit are brought to reality.

His greatest accomplishment so far has been being a great older brother to his sister, Celine,

Michael is currently working on two of his own non-profits, TILE.org and Energy.org. In January of 2019, Michael launched Arist.co, the first text message university. Michael and his friend Riley Wilson, another Lincoln High School graduate, became fascinated with the education problems in Yemen. They learned that a higher percentage of the world population had access to text messages than access to internet. This knowledge led them to create the first text message course. For each course purchased, Arist will be donating one course to a person in need. The courses are taught by professors from around the country and messages are sent to your phone every morning. For more information, check out this article written by Michael: link to article

You are doing amazing things, Michael!