
Emilie Kono

Undergraduate: Stanford University
Planned Major: Bioengineering
Planned Minor: Human Biology, Public Health, or Environmental Systems
Recommended Book: "The Thing Around Your Neck" - A collection of short stories by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Emilie Kono will begin her undergraduate career at Stanford University in the fall of 2018. She plans to major in Bioengineering and is deciding between Human Biology, Public Health and Environmental Systems as potential minors.

Mr. Watson at Lincoln had a significant impact on Emilie’s success. He was her IB Chemistry teacher and her Extended Essay supervisor. Mr. Watson put in an incredible amount of time supporting her passion in science and doing everything he could to help her be successful.

Emilie’s favorite extracurricular at Lincoln was competing on the Track and Field team. She loved pole vaulting and triple jumping, and she grew very close with her teammates and coaches. She always looked forward to practice.

Emilie considers being a valedictorian of her class her greatest accomplishment so far in life. School has always been her top priority, so it meant a lot to her to be honored for her academic achievement. Keep up the good work, Emilie!