
Jamie Bikales

Undergraduate: Harvard University
Planned Major: Government
Planned Minor: East Asian Studies
Recommended Book: "Evicted" – Matthew Desmond
This book opened Jamie’s eyes to the lives of people who struggle through life even in the US. Beautifully written and captivating, but also contains a huge amount of information we all should be aware of.

Jamie Bikales will begin his undergraduate career in the fall of 2018 at Harvard University. He plans to major in Government and minor in East Asian Studies.

During his time at Lincoln, Jamie was most impacted by his speech and debate coach, Jenny Owen. Jamie was on the team for four years, and Jenny helped him develop self-confidence, public speaking and life skills that will help him far into the future.

Jamie’s favorite extracurricular activity at Lincoln was Constitution Team. He learned about politics and gained an interest in current events. More importantly, he learned the values of commitment and teamwork.

Jamie is very proud of his journalism. He believes that through journalism he is able to empower people who don’t traditionally have a voice and protect them from abuse by those in power. His greatest accomplishment has been a six-month investigation he conducted into the reporting process for sexual misconduct by teachers at Lincoln, which he hopes helped to empower victims and prevent future abuses. We are excited to see what great things you accomplish in your life, Jamie!