
Katherine Lochner

Undergraduate: University of Washington
Major: Biology
Recommended Book: "Boys in the Boat" – Daniel James Brown

An inspiring novel is about the University of Washington eight-oared crew that represented the United States in the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, and narrowly beat out Italy and Germany to win the gold medal.

Katherine Lochner will begin at the University of Washington as a freshman in the Fall of 2020. She plans to major in Biology and minor in Spanish.

Ms. Abens, the Photography teacher, transformed the way Katherine views photography and the arts. Katherine also always felt that her classroom was a welcoming environment where she could escape any stress. Katherine appreciated that Ms. Abens door was always open to talk about anything. In Ms. Abens, Katherine found a mentor and a friend who “taught [her] so much about creativity, exploration and open-mindedness, both in the darkroom and in life.” Katherine also notes that all of the teachers and staff at Lincoln helped her throughout her high school experience and positively impacted her development as a student, for which she feels grateful.

TEDxYouth was Katherine’s favorite extracurricular activity during her time in high school. TEDxYouth is an independently organized TED event featuring young speakers from the Portland area. Katherine was part of the organizational team that put the event together. She found this to be rewarding in many ways, most notably the leadership experience she gained and the amazing students she was able to meet.

So far in her life, Katherine’s greatest accomplishment is winning the 200 breaststroke at the OSU State Champion meet. She had been swimming for 8 years and had a goal of winning the event for awhile. Having her hard work pay off was very rewarding.

Good luck, Katherine, we can’t wait to see what you accomplish!