Alexander Vassilev

Undergraduate: Brown University
Planned Major: Computer Science
Recommended Book: "1984” - George Orwell

Alex Vassilev is enrolled at Brown University, starting in the fall. He plans to major in Computer Science.

During his time at Lincoln, Alex cited Mr. Alonso as somebody that had a significant impact on him, stating that “[his] class brought me to decide that I wanted to work with mathematics all my life…” Alongside being an engaging instructor, Alex also loved the emphasis that Mr. Alonso placed on learning how to learn, and not simply memorizing formulas for a grade. 

Alex also said that Mr. Bliss played an important role as well in helping him through the IB program and fostering some of the most delightful & intellectual conversations he had while at Lincoln. 

Alex’s favorite extracurricular at Lincoln was the Chess Club, since it enabled him to regularly meet with a community of people who were just as passionate about chess as he was, and helped him grow confidence in himself over the board.

When asked what his best accomplishment in life to date is, Alex spoke about organizing and hosting a charity fundraising tournament. The proceeds went towards AbleGamers, with the goal of developing assistive technology for people with disabilities. 

Good luck, Alex, we’re looking forward to seeing what you accomplish next!